Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

I hope the holidays have been enjoyable for all!

Reed and Lori currently only have 4 kids at home- Leann, Brett, David and Preston- a couple pigs, and a pen full of chickens (well, that was until the coyote got hold of most of them).
Dad has his hands busy working for Mesa Public Schools as a bus mechanic and Mom keeps her self busy sewing and selling stuff on!

Rusty is 33, living in Mesa, AZ and disguises himself with a full red beard and a crazy head of hair to make sure no women go falling in love with him. It's working so far. He works hard as an Aerospace Engineer and rides his bike with a group consisting of Dad and a few brothers when he has free time.

Carey is still 21 ;) and lives in Grants Pass, Oregon where her husband is busy checking peoples ear wax, tonsils and boogers (ENT) on a daily basis and for some reason, somehow, loves it. They've got 4 adorable kids who keep them busy.

Derrick is 31 (or close to) and lives in Mesa, AZ as well. He works at a dental lab and goes to school. His life couldn't get any more busier than it currently is. He's still a bony kid, that can eat lard everyday of his life and not gain a pound. It's pretty amazing. I think he was switched at birth...ssshhhh. Him and his gorgeous wife have 2 boys that keep them busy!

Brian is 29 (or close to) and lives in Mesa, AZ. He works as an Aerospace Engineer as well. He enjoys riding bikes with the others and is currently looking for a new home in AZ. He still has no wife but is considering a mail order bride.

Brynn is 28 and lives in Tooele, Utah. She is super excited to be moving back to her home State of Arizona within the next month. She stays busy with 4 girls. Drama and emotional meltdowns consume her daily schedule.

Becky is 26 and lives in classy Florence, AZ where she stays busy sewing cute purses to sell on When her and her husband aren't busy sewing purses they are busy with 3 girls and lots of drama and emotional breakdowns as well. They will soon welcome baby girl number 4!

Kelsie is 24 (or something) and lives in Mesa. Her and her husband Sam have a beautiful daughter. Kelsie also sews some for the popular, family money source- When she's not sewing, she is busy doing creative projects!

Craig is 22 (maybe) and works for a Sushi joint. He is very good with computers and is currently in search of a future wife. Maybe he should start eating more fortune cookies at the Sushi joint for help with the wife search!

Tim is like 20 and works alongside Derrick at the dental lab making all kinds of teeth. He also is disguising his good looks with a bushy red beard and crazy hair. With his free time he enjoys riding bikes in the Guthrie Bike Crew.

Leann is 18, lives at home and FINALLY has her license. She currently attends Evit where she is going to school for cosmetology. She is obsessed with robots and is crazy smart.

Brett is 16 and lives at home. He never talks, so I don't know what he likes to do or wants to do. For all I know he could really, truly be a mute. We may want to get that checked. Cute kid though. One thing I do know is that his nieces and nephews love him because he will do anything for them.

David is 14 I think and lives at home. He talks to much, mostly about things I don't understand due to my stupidity. He is super smart and enjoys to take things apart to see how they work and likes coming up with all kinds of new ideas.

Preston is 11 and the baby of the family. When I say baby, I litterally mean BABY. He's a cool kid if you can see past the loud screams and teasing. He is a momma's boy through and through. He is into computer games and video games.

Maybe I should go back and make sure I didn't leave anyone out, but I have the feeling that if anyone was left out they would be grateful for it.
So there's what is current with the Guthrie's. And even though no one has any idea I did this I'm sure we all hope you had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!

Us GU3's

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Recipes..... we had to BEG for these!!

Blueberry Muffins

6 T butter
1 1/4 c sugar
2 eggs
2 c flour
1/2 t salt
2 t baking soda
1/2 c buttermilk
4 oz cream cheese
1 c blueberries
Mix all ingredients except berries, once well mixed, stir in berries. Put in well greased muffin tins, b ake at 375 for 30 minutes.


1 lb grnd beef
3 slices bread soaked in 1/2 c water or milk May omit parsley, or may used fresh chopped onion instead of powdered onion. Easy to change,
2 eggs
1/3 c parmesan cheese
1 T parsley
1 t salt
1/2 t oregano
1/2 t red pepper
3 garlic cloves minced
1 t powdered onion

Mix well, shape into walnut sized balls and place on cookie sheet. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes. Cool, place in bags and freeze.


1 1/4 c warm water, put 4t yeast and 1/2 c sugar in. Add 1 1/2 t salt, and 1 T vegetable oil.
Mix in 1/2 c gluten, and then begin by adding 3 cups flour. Mix well--you want a softer dough, but not too sticky. (Any type of dough will work, but the softer dough is much easier to shape.)
Knead the dough, then let rise til double. Punch dough down, and cut into 12 equal pieces. Let rest for a few minutes covered with damp cloth. Then roll each piece into a 24 inch rope, and shpe into pretzel. (Make a U, then cross the ends, and fold them down onto the bottom of the U. Make sure you pinch where the ends cross the body of the pretzel. (Otherwise, it will come undone in the boiling process.) Place the pretzels on a lightly greased pan. Heat oven toe 450 degrees, and place large pan of water with 1/2 c soda on stove and bring to a boil. Place 3 or 4 pretzels into the boiling water at a time but do not crowd them. Let boil for about 30 seconds, then remove and drain them. Brush with egg wash (1 egg, 1t water beaten). Sprinkle with coarse salt and place on the greased cookie sheet, or on parchment lined sheet. Place in oven and bake abt 12 minutes, watching to make sure they do not get too brown. Remove from the pan and place on a rack to cool completely.


1T yeast, 1T sugar 1T salt mixed into 1 3/4 c water. Gradually add in approx. 4 C bread flour (add in 1/4 c vital wheat gluten to all purpose flour to make bread flour.)
For bagels, you want a stiff dough. So keeping adding in four until the dough is stiff, and not at all sticky. You want the dough stiffer than bread dough--- Let dough rise til double. If you want to add in berries, onions, cinnamon and raising, add it in once dough has risen and feels softer. As you knead the dough down, put in your add ins. Once dough is punched down, cut into 12 pieces and shape into 12 balls. Cover with plastic wrap or a damp cloth. After 30 minutes, using your fingers make holes in the pieces of dough, shaping into a bagel. (Bagels will rise more, so make sure hole is larger than you want!) Place on a cookie sheet that is greased and sprinkled with cornmeal. Let them rest, covered, for at least 10 minutes. They should begin to puff up a bit. Heat large pan of boiling water, add 1 T baking soda. Boil bagels for 2 minutes on one side, flip and boil 1 or 2 minutes more. (If you want them less "chewy" reduce the boiling time.) Remove from water, transfer to towel or rack to dry a bit, but on parchment sheet, or greased with cornmeal sheet, brush with egg wash (1 egg 1 t water beaten slightly). You may top with sesame seeds, etc. Place in oven set on 375 and bake for about 20 min until golden brown. (I have found it only takes about 15 mins at the most. Keep an eye on them!) You may move the pans in the oven to keep from getting too brown. Remove and cool completely.

Pie Crusts

Best type of pans are pyrex glass pie plates--they distribute the heat more evenly. Bakes thoroughly, and you can see the bottom of pie if need to check on doneness.
Place four in freezer to get cold. Lard creates the flakiest crust, butter has a good flavor. ( I prefer lard, the ultimate flaky crust. Yum.)
Use 2 c cold flour (for pastry flour, you may add 1 T cornstarch in place of the tablespoon flour in each cup.)
3/4 c cold fat
1 t salt
3-6 T ice water
Mix salt into the flour, then cut the fat in, using a pastry knife or a knife. Do not use hands--the warmth will cause the fat to smear into the dough. You want to end up with pea sized lumps of fat covered with flour. Then sprinkle the ice water a tablespoon at a time, using a fork to mix in water, just enough to dampen the dough. You want the dough to stick together when squeezed in your hand, but still a bit dry and cracking. Shape the dough into two discs---but don't overwork the dough with your hands. Just gather it into a disc and pat it a bit to get it to stick together. Wrap in plastic and place in freezer for at least 30 minutes, or in fridge for a longer time. (You may leave it in the freezer and keep it there for several weeks until needed.) Place the disc of dough while very cold between two piece of plastic or waxed paper, and working from the center, roll out. Again, roll as little as possible to shape it into your crust. Place in the pie pan, add filling, place the top on and crimp the edges to seal. Make a slit in the top so crust will not be soggy, and bake. When a pie crust is made right, it is so delicious and flaky that you don't really need to trim off the extra, just mash it into the edge, and crimp it as well. If you get holes in your crust, do not reroll---just smash a piece into the place. The less you work the crust the better it will be.

Make more Buttermilk

Place 1/3 c butermilk in 1 qt jar, fill with milk and shake well. Sit in warm place for 12-24 hours. Refrigerate when it thickens. It will keep for a few weeks, when you need more you may use your butter milk to start more. If it quits thickening, you will need to buy a fresh start and begin again!

Ricotta Cheese

Place 1/2 gallon whole milk in a non-reactive pan. Add in about 1 c (or more) buttermilk and about a teaspoon salt.. Bring the milk to about 150 degrees. Stir it every so often to make sure it won't stick too bad. Use a rubber spatula and don't over stir. As the milk gets warm, it will begin to separate into curds and whey. Let it continue until it stops--then place cloth in strainer, and pour milk through. Hand the cloth with the curds and let it continue to drain until it is as dry as you like it.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


We have been canning WAY, way, Way.....TOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!! Even Nanna got in on the action, juicing tomatoes!!! and dad helped by taking the skin off the tomatoes!

Mom had acquired TONS of tomatoes, peppers, corn, cucumbers, carrots, beets,.....and the list goes on!! So we went to moms to help can it all before it went bad.....

I am SICK of canning tomatoes, making salsa, and pizza sauce. We had mostly tomatoes....TOMATOES GALORE..........I don't want to can anymore tomatoes for a LONG time!!!

We did this twice, so far......and both times, this was most, not all, of the veggies in moms living room!

I wish I took pics after it was ALL canned, we had TONS of jars....and freezer bagged veggies!

Heres some of what we did can/freeze......

Sunday, April 24, 2011

miller moments

What have the Miller's been up to this spring???

Katelyn's soccer practices & games.

I hate soccer!

I can honestly say that I tried everything [EVERYTHING] to talk Katelyn out of this.

Well, all but offer her $100.

But she opted to do soccer instead of dance and is LOVING it!

Before her game on Saturday, she told Jon and I,

"Mom & Dad, I just want you to watch me the whole time this time. Last time, you were looking behind you too much. I really think you need to just watch me and not look at other things."

The nerve of this child!

Yeah, we look behind us, because we have to keep an eye on Eden playing at the playground! You see who she's beating up OR what wall she is scaling and going to fall 50 feet from.

Day trip to the Redwood forest.
It was a perfect beach day- 50 degrees! :)

We rode through the tops of the redwood trees at "Trees of Mystery".


I freaked the kids out by saying, "At least if we die....we die together!"

Brady really didn't appreciate that comment :)

oh. and Eden threw up on the way up to the redwoods.

i always forget about the windy roads.

Our easter egg hunt was at our friend's home.

I sewed the girls easter dresses. Eden's turned out sooooo cute!

And I learned a great GREAT trick in putting in a zipper-

glue stick!!! :)

It made the most perfect zipper, something I've always been terrible at.

Happy Easter & spring!!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Becky, Trav's, and Kels' BOUTIQUE

Not exciting at all, but we had a boutique today :) Sold 5 things TOTAL....a purse, and 4 gumballs, lol!

Gotta love the old chair and milk crate we just got!!!

Beck and I bought our girls these cute headbands....I love the crocheted look.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mom's Blog

Hey Everyone! Mom wanted to start a blog that we all could post on.....what's going on with our families, lives, crafts, activities, etc....

SO....start posting :)