Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Miller's Summer in AZ

Miller's came to visit us :)

Jon and Carey went to Cancun for their anniversary, and I (Kelsie) got to have her kids for the week! It was soo much fun! We had such a blast having 7 kids total all week!

We went to the Tempe Splash Pad:

We had a homemade slip-n-slide and sidewalk chalk:

THEN at the end of the week, Rusty and Natali gave them a little taste of Mexico, so they could feel like what it was like where their parents were.... They ate Mexican food and did a pinata:

and then Carey and Jon came back......... and Carey and the kids stayed almost 2 more weeks.....we had fun........ each day, all day, and were worn out! BUT it was soooo much fun having them here!!!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Rusty and Natali Guthrie

We Guthrie's are soooo excited to announce that on Monday, June 18, 2012.......

Rusty and Natali were married! :)
We are soooo happy for them both and so excited to have Natali a part of our family!
She fits right in! (not sure if she see's that as a compliment or not, but for us, that is pretty awesome :)


The Excited Parents!

Notice the Machete!