Wednesday, July 6, 2011


We have been canning WAY, way, Way.....TOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!! Even Nanna got in on the action, juicing tomatoes!!! and dad helped by taking the skin off the tomatoes!

Mom had acquired TONS of tomatoes, peppers, corn, cucumbers, carrots, beets,.....and the list goes on!! So we went to moms to help can it all before it went bad.....

I am SICK of canning tomatoes, making salsa, and pizza sauce. We had mostly tomatoes....TOMATOES GALORE..........I don't want to can anymore tomatoes for a LONG time!!!

We did this twice, so far......and both times, this was most, not all, of the veggies in moms living room!

I wish I took pics after it was ALL canned, we had TONS of jars....and freezer bagged veggies!

Heres some of what we did can/freeze......