Sunday, April 24, 2011

miller moments

What have the Miller's been up to this spring???

Katelyn's soccer practices & games.

I hate soccer!

I can honestly say that I tried everything [EVERYTHING] to talk Katelyn out of this.

Well, all but offer her $100.

But she opted to do soccer instead of dance and is LOVING it!

Before her game on Saturday, she told Jon and I,

"Mom & Dad, I just want you to watch me the whole time this time. Last time, you were looking behind you too much. I really think you need to just watch me and not look at other things."

The nerve of this child!

Yeah, we look behind us, because we have to keep an eye on Eden playing at the playground! You see who she's beating up OR what wall she is scaling and going to fall 50 feet from.

Day trip to the Redwood forest.
It was a perfect beach day- 50 degrees! :)

We rode through the tops of the redwood trees at "Trees of Mystery".


I freaked the kids out by saying, "At least if we die....we die together!"

Brady really didn't appreciate that comment :)

oh. and Eden threw up on the way up to the redwoods.

i always forget about the windy roads.

Our easter egg hunt was at our friend's home.

I sewed the girls easter dresses. Eden's turned out sooooo cute!

And I learned a great GREAT trick in putting in a zipper-

glue stick!!! :)

It made the most perfect zipper, something I've always been terrible at.

Happy Easter & spring!!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Becky, Trav's, and Kels' BOUTIQUE

Not exciting at all, but we had a boutique today :) Sold 5 things TOTAL....a purse, and 4 gumballs, lol!

Gotta love the old chair and milk crate we just got!!!

Beck and I bought our girls these cute headbands....I love the crocheted look.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mom's Blog

Hey Everyone! Mom wanted to start a blog that we all could post on.....what's going on with our families, lives, crafts, activities, etc....

SO....start posting :)